Rafting in Aosta Valley, Italy with Totem Adventure.
Rafting, Paragliding, Kayak and multisport holidays. The ideal destination for adrenaline seekers, stag & hen parties, as well as families & children.

Experience the best Rafting in the Alps. Come navigate the highest section of the Dora Baltea with us, where some of the strongest rapids of Europe exist! We are the only company qualified to run this technical section.



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Viaggi Rafting: dalla Valle d’Aosta al Nepal!

Metti insieme: 4 giorni di trekking in valli sperdute, 6 giorni di rafting,  si dorme  ogni notte in riva al fiume. Siamo nel  Nepal più remoto, dove non ci sono turisti, ma solo esploratori e viaggiatori intraprendenti…

Ti stai chiedendo se puoi farlo anche tu?, se è  per tutti o per esperti?

Risposta: ” E’ un viaggio per gente che adora la natura, stare all’aria aperta, in […]

Our features


We are located in NW Italy, at the foot of Mont Blanc, in Pré Saint Didier 30 min. from Chamonix, 1.5 hours from Geneva. [...more]


Our base is a happy, green, relaxing place on the river shore. Our customers get free parking space, free WiFi [...more]

Safety & Professionalism

are guaranteed by highly qualified professionals with over 20 years experience in the field . David Alemanni, CEO. [...more]

Off the beaten track

For the real thrill seekers, we run sections where all the other rafting companies don’t navigate. [...more]

Ideal for families

We have special rafting programs for families and kids, on demand baby sitter service. [...more]

Top Gear

We use only the top equipment for rafting and paragliding, to guarantee your comfort and safety. [...more]

All in one place... almost!

Most of the activities are starting directly from our base. [...more]

TOTEM Party!

Bachelorette and bachelor party, your birthday, or just a special reunion with friends, you can party at our place. [...more]

Pictures & Video

We take high quality pictures or videos of your adventure [...more]